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  1. Provide any information provided by the employer to you or the Local from Managers, Supervisors etc.
  2. Provide organization charts of all employers involved as well as for the newly merged employer if possible.
  3. Provide any reports, employer communications, minutes and reports from the applicable Ministry, agency or LHIN
  4. Provide a brief narrative of what is transpiring i.e. what work is being transferred where? How many are affected?
  5. Attach any media reports about the potential merger, if any.
  6. Attach applicable CUPE Collective Agreement(s) and those of other unions involved if possible.
  7. Provide a breakdown of each employer structure by bargaining unit(s) and Union representing them, and non-union if any.
    • Include the type of unit i.e. Clerical unit and estimated number of members in each unit.
  8. What b.u. structure puts CUPE in the best position to win a rep vote if one is required.
  9. What is the b.u. structure likely to look like after? The employer’s position on the new b.u. structure if known.
  10. Are there classifications in any Union’s b.u. that are in one unit at one employer but not at the other(s).
  11. If so, please:
    • list and include numbers of employees if possible.
    • List any challenges or issues the Local may be experiencing at this time.
    • Any other information you think may be of assistance.